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River's puppies are here!

River had her puppies starting at 6:30 pm on Thursday, August 22nd. She had 2 females and 5 males. We noticed something was not right when River continued to push as if she had another puppy. We had a pretty good idea she was done having puppies because we always do an XRay before puppies are born to give us an idea of how many to expect. When she was still pushing occasionally on Sunday early morning we decided to take her to the vet for an oxytocin shot to help her eliminate any remaining placentas that might be in the uterus. Her temp Sunday night was 102.2, which is in normal range for a mama that just had puppies. We just don't like to see it go over 103 because that can indicate an infection. At 4:30 am on Monday River just didn't seem like she felt good. I took her temp and it was 104.8. I had her immediatly go outside and potty and when she came back I checed it again and it was 105.8. Now we have a problem and it developed very quickly. We had our Bernese Harley scheduled for her spay on Monday too. So I took Harley early for her spay and then drove an hour away to the vet I went to the day before. I was waiting when they opened. They were so good with River. They immediately took her back to try and cool her down. The vet came and spoke with me and said her recomendation was to spay River. She was not able to find the cause of the temperature and had to take her into surgery to find it to save her life. Our only concern was for River. We instantly agreed. The vet said that River was hot to the touch even when under. As soon as they removed her uterus her temp dropped to 101. River is doing very well now and has not had a temp since.

So where were the puppies the entire time you ask? With me in a carrier so I could keep then warm. River could not feed then most of the day Monday so our other mini Bernedoodle mama Denali to the rescue. She lovingly nursed River's puppies twice while River was in surgery.

Puppies are now a week old and growing and moving around. I will be sure to share as often as I can on their growth and development.

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